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| || || |
| Welcome || || _ ___ _o |
| Announcements || || | | |...| |.| |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || You probably all know a few of the Nightfallian Guilds. The famous Archmages, || | | |.o.| |.| |
| Web Client || the powerful Sorcerers, the glorious Paladins and others. In this document, the || '-' '---' '-' |
| Clients || history of those shall be written down to be saved for our descendants. It is || \|
| Quickstart || said that there are several documents describing the foundation of the || o|
| Wait, What? || Necromancers, Vampires, Warriors and Paladins, thus, I'll only shortly mention || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || them when necessary. || |
| Races || || o|
| Guilds || I want to start with the oldest guild in the realm of Nightfall, the || |
| Map || Archmages. If they were ever founded or just existed from the very first day is || |
| Lore || unknown, but it is known that they supported the realm of Myth Drannor since its || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || founding in 1337 BL and their members were mostly mages, although a few oglons || |
| Who's online? || are reported to have been Archmage, too. After the Dragonlance War, they || |
| Finger || teached the humans willing to learn magic how to use its powers and accepted a || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || few of them in their ranks. That moment might be the birth of the Vampires, you || o|
| The Guide || can read a tale about them somewhere else. Additionally, the Necromancers were || |
| Player Help || founded in 1003 BL. Due to the First Great War and the following siege of Myth || |
| The Sky || Drannor, they moved their headquarter to a newly founded human city called || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || Caroba on the northern continent "Ellil". || |
| Imprint || || \|
| || Shortly after the Humans settled on the southern shore of the Clondike, the || \|
| || third magic guild was founded in 995 BL - the "Searchers of Magic". This guild || o|
| || was totally dominated by humans, and, as usual for those groups, collapsed a few || \|
| || years later - the era of specialized magic guilds had begun! || |
| || || |
| || In 945 BL, the Conjurers were founded in El Essaman, a human camp in the desert, || |
| || in 944 BL, the Sorcerers started to grow. The Enchanters and Illusionists || |
| || followed in 910 BL and 879 BL, both were afterwards not mentioned anymore, maybe || |
| || you might find more information in their guildrooms. But the two guilds || |
| || mentioned before, the Conjurers and the Sorcerers, were meant to become the most || |
| || powerful guilds all over Nightfall, they supported the Human kings in Nightfall || |
| || City and still secure the Great Desert and the western forests. || |
| || || |
| || Another guild I want to talk about are the Bards, as they are the only guild || |o
| || found in the original Human realm, Avalon. They were probably founded around || | o
| || 1100 BL, when the human tribes on those islands united and always supplied the || |/
| || main force in the Human army fighting in front of Myth Drannor. As King Arthur's || o s|
| || reign started in 157 AL, they quickly showed him their respect, although they || o / /x|
| || always tried to stay independent from the Avalonian court and thus moved to || \/ __o/xs|
| || York, a newly founded city in Ireland, in 178 AL. || \/ \xx|
| || || \ \s|
| || Of course, thou all know this, there are other ways of living, like the rogues || \ /x|
| || or strange thinkers, but unfortunately, little is known about those hidden || nmsxxsx|
| || guilds making it impossible to write down anything about them. || xsxxxmxs| .
| || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|=
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