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      |               ||                                                                                  ||               |
      | Welcome       || 
Guilds: Paladins
|| _ ___ _o | | Announcements || || | | |...| |.| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || The sun is shining, and the birds are singing. You take a deep breath and || | | |.o.| |.| | | Web Client || continue your hike through the forest north of Lorinia. You dig your wanderers || '-' '---' '-' | | Clients || staff you got from joining the adventurers guild into the ground and keep || \| | Quickstart || walking. You end your hike, and start to head back, as you see the sun is || o| | Wait, What? || starting to come down. You suddenly hear a rustle in the bushes back the way || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || you came. You listen closely, and wield your knife. As you approach the place || \| | Races || where you thought you heard the sound, nothing happened, and you figured it must || | | Guilds || be a rabbit. Just as you pass the bushes, there is a roar and you are knocked || |/ | Map || to the ground, the knife rolling away. Two orcs come lumbering towards you, each || | | Lore || one with a short sword in their hand! They slash at you and you start bleeding || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || heavily, and are wounded. You try to run, but the orcs block the way! You try to || | | Who's online? || attack, but it is no use to fight off two grown orcs, when all of the sudden you || | | Finger || hear a rustling to your west. You strain your ears and you see the orcs lose || o| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || color in their faces when they see what is coming. You are dazed on the ground || | | The Guide || when a fighter in bright shining armor wielding a shimmering steel sword jumps || | | Player Help || over a hedge to your right and immediately cuts down the first orc in two || o| | The Sky || extremely quick cuts: the orc didn't even have a chance to hit back. The other || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || tries to run, but this warrior blocks his way and delivers an extremely hard || |o | Imprint || blow and knocks the orc down while the sword rolls out of his hand. || | | || || | | || This fighter dismounts his beautiful white horse ~~ || | | || and puts away is sword. He lays his hands on you, /~~ || | | || and you immediately feel better. You feel your __/__ || |o | || wounds, where the orcs hit you and realize they / _ _ \ || | | || have closed. The man removes his helmet and says, | | / || | | || 'Hello, I saw you were in trouble over there..' \_____/ // , || o| | || you think about an answer, but can only gaze in __/ \___ // || | | || awe at him. He smiles and says 'Its alright, How +------+ H \ // || | | || would you like to join us? We could use some more |&&..()|HHH | \ // || | | || people, and I think you will make a very good |&&..%%| H |\ %%%% || | | || paladin.' You are amazed. This great warrior |......| H | \__| || | | || wants you? You smile and finally regain your \.~~~~./======+ || | | || voice. 'Alright, I'll come!' You say, as he leads \____/&&&&&&&| || |/ | || you to his guild. You step in and you immediately | | || | | || feel at home. The entire place is filled with red | .--. \ || o| | || carpet, and polished silver. A few paladins come | | \ \ || | | || up to you and shake your hand. You realize this | | \ \ || | | || is where you want to be, forever. This must be a | | \ \ || | | || great guild, you think. /___| \___\ || |o | || || | | || A tall man in impressive armor, and an ancient sword dangling from his side || |/ | || comes up to you and says, 'Hello, my name is Belegost. Welcome, to our guild.' || | | || || | | || As you go through this wonderful experience in your mind, you cant imagine it || | | || was only yesterday this happened. It seems like an entirely new life now, you || | | || are a bit anxious, but you are ready. As you think about this there is a loud || |/ | || bang on your door. 'Hey, you were supposed to be ready fifteen minutes ago! You || | | || wanna be left behind!?' You jump out of your bed and run to the door and open || | | || it. 'Sorry, I was-' 'I dont care what you were doing, come on, were training || \| | || out in the forest, the rest are already leaving.' || | | || || | | || You rub your eyes to look at him. He has a white face.. a very long and || | | || drooping one with eyes on the side of his head, he looks real strange. Then he || | | || snorts loudly. 'Will you stop looking at my horse, and get a move on!! You act || | | || like you've never seen a horse before!' You look up and see your trainer is a || | | || human, clad in newly polished steel armour with a backpack, and a large sword || | | || dangling from his side. You blush and run to the back of the line of trainees || | | || walking towards the woods. The trainer rides to the top of the line and trots || |o | || forward. You see there are about five other trainees there, and you follow them || | | || to a clearing in the woods. You see there is a small keep over by the other side || | | || of the clearing. || |/ | || || | | || 'Halt!' and your entire group stops. 'Line up, all facing me!' You strat to || | | || line up, and eventually you make a line horizontal to your leader. 'This is || | | || where we will train the first 5 weeks.' He points to the castle and says: 'That || | | || is an orcish castle, by the end of the training we will attack them.' You all || | | || start to twist and turn, you wanted to train, but can the six of you really take || | | || on a whole castle of orcs in six weeks? He looks around and sees your worried || | | || faces. He smiles and says: 'Well, I see you may be a bit afraid of || | | || bloodshed. Don't worry, these orcs are dumb. In five weeks, they will be like || | | || flies. I'll show you.' He rides up to the side of the castle, and your group || | | || ducks behind bushes watching. He dismounts his horse adn picks up his sword in || | | || his left hand. With his right he throws a rock at the castle and hits the || | | || wall. A huge, disgusting orc comes out with a club in one hand and a leg of some || |o | || poor animal in his other. He sees your trainer, throws down the leg and comes || | | || charging at him! You all look in awe as the orc brings down his axe.. your || o| | || leader neatly sidesteps and brings his sword down and splits the skull of the || o| | || orc. The orc cries in pain and falls. He repeats this whole thing 3 different || | | || times, and you all start to laugh. He comes over to you leaving four dead orcish || | | || corpses in his wake. 'You will be able to do that in five weeks. But for now, || | | || we train.' || | | || || | | || You all line up and he hands wooden short swords to all of you. 'Now,' he says, || | | || 'You will work on parrying, if you had read your book of chants, you would know || |o | || what i am talking about. If you havent, you'll be off to a slow start..' He || |/ | || pairs you up and shows you five different strokes of the sword, and gives them || o| | || numbers. 'ONE!' your partner slowly comes down with his sword at your head, and || | | || you block it. 'Good! TWO!' He swipes to your left at your stomach and you block || | | || it with your sword. After 2 hours of this you go faster and faster, harder, || | | || stronger... you have bruises... finally he lets you rest and you eat. You learn || | | || how to handle parrying better, and you smile. This is going to be great, for the || | | || first time in your life, you feel at home. The whole camp puts up their tents || |/ | || and he assigns sentries. You sleep, and you know tomorrow will be hard, || | | || demanding, painful, and wonderful. || | | || || | | || Who are the Paladins? || |o | || || | | || The Paladins are knights of the powers of the Good. They were founded after the || | | || Second Great War by half-elves in Lorinia and like this, most of them are || | | || half-elfes. But especially since the arrival of the Contranamonians on the old || o| | || continent and the continuing commingling of humans and elves, the humans as the || \| | || original knightly race become more and more. They are even a few trolls, giants || | | || and dark-elves in the guild! || | | || || |o | || The Paladins use the powers of the Good and their ability in fighting with || | | || weapons for an unique way of fighting in which magic chants increase the || | | || deadliness of their weapons - some would call them fighting monks and their || | | || symbols remind of the Knights Templar. || o| | || || | | || But to be able to use his powers the Good provided him, a paladin always needs || | | || to help the innocent, to secure the weak and to battle for the Good - if he || | | || leaves the right way, he'll be punished strongly and maybe will never be able to || | | || fight again. || | | || || |/ | || Guildquests || | | || || | | || Level 5: Bring a black stone to Belegost || | | || Somewhere under Nightfall-City is a rat with a black stone. Return this black || | | || stone, which has an essential meaning to Belegost. || | | || || | | || Level 9: Bring the famous singing sword to Belegost || | | || Legends tell about a singing sword which was stolen from a paladin by some || | | || kobolds. Find this sword and give it to Belegost. || o| | || || | | || Level 12: Bring a bear's claw to the guildmaster. || | | || Somewhere near Crescent Lake is a cave where you can find a bear. Kill that bear || | | || and return to the guild with its claw. Give the claw to the guildmaster and you || | | || have solved the quest. || | | || || | | || Level 16: Become a knight || | | || Go to Ireland to Benwick Castle and ask Sir Gahmuret how to become a knight. He || | o | || might be able to help you. || |/ | || || o s| | || Level 22: Save the citizens of Antalya || o / /x| | || It is romoured that a vampire has captured the citizens of a small Middle || \/ __o/xs| | || Eastern town, and is holding the town hostage. Kill the vampire and return the || \/ \xx| | || key to the city to its rightful owner! || \ \s| | || || \ /x| | || Level 35: Help Beldomir, the smith || nmsxxsx| | || Beldomir, a smith living in the city of Drannor, desperately needs your help! || xsxxxmxs| . | || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|= +---------------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------++----nmsmmsmmmxmS ./_|=|_-_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~