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HH |---------------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------++---------------|
| || || |
| Welcome || || _ ___ _o |
| Announcements || || | | |...| |.| |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || ...you walk alone in the night in the eerie shadows of the dark forest. You want || | | |.o.| |.| |
| Web Client || to stop, rest but you can't. Your mission is too important. You follow the old || '-' '---' '-' |
| Clients || path in the dark. At many points you nearly loose your way as it is hardly || \|
| Quickstart || possible to distinguish the path from the forest around you. Yet you continue... || |
| Wait, What? || After a long walk you reach the crossing where you are supposed to meet the || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || ambassador. But when you arrive the whole place looks like a mess. Blood all || |
| Races || around you. Dead bodies too. Then suddenly before you are able to examine the || |
| Guilds || place any closer you are attacked by a band of warriors... Although only a || |
| Map || scholar of the Enchanters guild you try to remember every word your teachers || |
| Lore || have told you. Staring at the warriros you release spell after spell, waving || |/
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || your hands you enchant the most fierce warriors... Your spells seem to || |
| Who's online? || work. Suddenly the two most fierceful warriros begin to protect you to attack || |/
| Finger || their fellow party members while another two dance and sing around stupidely as || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || if drunk.... || |
| The Guide || || o|
| Player Help || Who are the Enchanters? || |
| The Sky || || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || The enchanter are a magic guild which focuses on the enchantment of livings and || |
| Imprint || things. This can be improving the quality of weapons as well as making your || o|
| || enemy dizzy, hurt or drunk. || o|
| || || |
| || Classes || |
| || || |
| || The enchanter are one of severel mage classes in Nightfall. All mage classes are || \|
| || part of a greater community. Therefore it is possible from certain levels on || | o
| || (usually every 15 levels) to learn a second or even third mage class. To be able || |/
| || to do so you need to go to the guildmaster of the other class and ask him or her || o s|
| || about learning that class. If you are allowed to you can from now on learn also || o / /x|
| || their spells, but from higher level on than a real member of that class. || \/ __o/xs|
| || Enchanters have no restrictions on which classes to learn. || \/ \xx|
| || || \ \s|
| || Guild quests || \ /x|
| || || nmsxxsx|
| || There are no guildquests. || xsxxxmxs| .
| || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|=
+---------------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------++----nmsmmsmmmxmS ./_|=|_-_