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      | Welcome       || 
Guilds: Druids
|| _ ___ _o | | Announcements || || | | |...| |.| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || ...a dark forest, clouds covering the moon, dancing shadows all around you, yet || | | |.o.| |.| | | Web Client || you walk deeper into the dense woods. Sounds of silence, cracking trees, the || '-' '---' '-' | | Clients || whispering of the wind all around you, yet you enter the hidden clearing. You || \| | Quickstart || proceed to its center, look around and concentrate. You become one with nature, || o| | Wait, What? || now you are ready... || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || || | | Races || ...a sudden cry, a thunder and clinging swords. What happened? You rush onwards || | | Guilds || through the dense bushes, seeing just in front of you a band of orcs in melee || | | Map || with three travellers. They are fighting for life, trying to proctect a women in || | | Lore || a long blue robe. || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || || \| | Who's online? || No time to hesitate, you grab into your bag, throwing some magic powder into the || | | Finger || air. Suddenly, the ground in front of the orcs shudders and explodes, covering || |/ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || them with stones and debris. The fighthing travellers immediately seize || | | The Guide || advantage of your attack, battering the wounded orcs severly. You grab your || | | Player Help || staff with both hands, ready to enter the fight when you feel a sudden surge of || |/ | The Sky || magic behind you. Already while turning you invoke your strongest magic || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || resistance spell, just in time before a warstrike hits you. Although hurt and || | | Imprint || dizzy you grab your staff harder, attacking the unknown mage, who must be the || | | || leader of the orcs... || | | || || | | || ...after minutes of fierce fighting you begin to become victorious. Your || o| | || opponent bleeds from several wounds and his sword is broken. You resemble your || | | || strength for one final blow, when suddenly the dark mage morphs into a bat || | | || flying away in the dark night, abandoning the dead and wounded orcs. || | | || || o| | || You are left alone with the travellers and the strange lady, in the middle of || |/ | || the dark forest, where the clouds cover the moon and shadows dance all around || | | || you .... || \| | || || | | || Who are the Druids? || | | || || | | || As servants of nature, druids do not concerns themselves with the vanity of the || | | || world. Patient and wise elders, they roam the lands, protecting the weak, || | | || healing the wounded, and learning the eternal ways of life. || | | || || | | || Their gear is scarce: a sickle and a mortar for their mystical activities, a || | | || white robe for purity and virtue, and an ash staff for protection. Easilly || | | || recognizable among all other dwellers of the land, they seldom can be found || o| | || indoors or underground. Thus, their true powers are revealed only out in the || |o | || open air, where the nature itself becomes its source. || | | || || |o | || However, may those be discouraged, who think the druids to be an easy prey || |o | || whenever they are forced to leave their forests. Even within dark dungeons the || o| | || druids have control over forces of the elements and, when threatened, become || | | || extremely dangerous opponents. || | | || || | | || Although, seldom do the druids use their abilities for destruction: with || |o | || preservation of nature and peace being their only goals in life, they direct || | | || their effort towards learning and meditating. || | | || || |/ | || Friends to animals, advisors to people, the druids are a respected and unique || | | || community, which can be entered only by those with a warm heart and strong will, || | | || patient and aloof from the complications of the ever-changing world. || |o | || || | | || Guildquests || o| | || || | | || Level 6: Pass the Druids' Exam. || |o | || To become a full member of the Druids' Guild you need to pass the Druids' Exam! || | | || Ask Hedin about 'exam' to learn more about it! || | o | || || |/ | || Level 11: Bring a bear's claw to the guildmaster. || o s| | || Somewhere near Crescent Lake is a cave where you can find a bear. Kill that bear || o / /x| | || and return to the guild with its claw. Give the claw to the guildmaster and you || \/ __o/xs| | || will have solved the quest. || \/ \xx| | || || \ \s| | || Level 15: Return the Blackfrost Sword to the Guild || \ /x| | || The Blackfrost sword has been stolen. Return it to the guildmaster and you will || nmsxxsx| | || have solved the quest. Ask Hedin about the sword to learn more about the quest. || xsxxxmxs| . | || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|= +---------------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------++----nmsmmsmmmxmS ./_|=|_-_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~